About Us
The“ Flight Safety Foundation- Mediterranean ( FSF-MED ) “, was established in 2008 in Cyprus as a non-profit and non- Governmental Organisation. It is registered as a legal entity in accordance with the relevant laws of the Republic of Cyprus.

FSF-MED is an affiliated Institution of the International Flight Safety Foundation based in Washington.

The main objective of FSF-MED is to contribute to the enhancement of aviation safety , to facilitate training in aviation issues, to encourage the adoption of global and European aviation policies and to foster cooperation between the countries of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions

FSF-MED signed Memoranda of Co-operation ( MOC) with the “Russian Flight Safety Foundation” , the “Romanian Aerospace Association”, the “ Fisher Institute” of Israel and “the ICAO European Office”. In addition it maintains close relations with the European Commission, EUROCONTROL, ERA , EASA and other international bodies.

The Governing bodies of FSF-MED are the Executive Board elected every three years by all Members and the Executive Committee, chaired by the Minister of Communications and Works and consisting of the ex-ministers, the Chairmen of CYTA,HERMES and Cyprus Airways, as well as personalities from abroad.

All involved in FSF-MED work on a voluntary basis. The small budget is financed by grants from the Ministry (, HERMES Airports, CYTA, CTC Ari and some other organisations. The grant by the Ministry is provided on the basis of an MOC signed 5 years ago and which needs to be renewed this year.

FSF-MED has already organized a number of International Conferences and Seminars, with participants and speakers from several countries and Organisations, such as the Secretary General of ICAO, the President of ECAC, the Executive Director of EASA, high ranking officials of EUROCONTROL, the Presidents of IFATCA and IFALPA, the CEO of AEA and ERA, and many others.